- A Christian Club
Christian Fellowship, Prayer, and Evangelism of the Christian Faith through live chats, board of messages,web site resources and more http://www.geocities.com/saaphiree_b/index.html (Added: Wed Apr 26 2000 Hits: 166 Rating: Votes: 1)
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Review It - A Door of Hope Project
An International Outreach Ministry aimed at the homeless and impoverished. Includes seminars,project background,and online Bible, http://www.adoorofhopeproject.com (Added: Mon Dec 11 2000 Hits: 91 Rating: Votes: 26)
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Review It - Abounding Grace
Abounding Grace is an evangelistic outreach based in Muskogee Oklahoma, using the web, newsletter and other resources to reach the lost at any cost.By Grace are you saved http://www.abgrace.injesus.com (Added: Sun Jun 24 2001 Hits: 59 Rating: Votes: 0)
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Review It - Adventures In Missions
Mission agency that conducts short-term missions trips for youth, college students, and adults to U.S. and International locations, placing emphasis on evangelistic outreach http://www.adventures.org (Added: Fri Oct 13 2000 Hits: 128 Rating: Votes: 0)
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Review It - Adventures In Missions
Mission agency that conducts short-term missions trips for youth, college students, and adults to U.S. and International locations, placing emphasis on evangelistic outreach http://www.adventures.org (Added: Tue Jun 05 2001 Hits: 73 Rating: Votes: 1)
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Review It - Amos Scripture Care Trust
Spreading God's Word through custom-made laminated cards bearing a picture and a Biblical text, helping people keep the love of Jesus in their pockets as well as their hearts. http://www.amos-sct.org.uk (Added: Tue Oct 24 2000 Hits: 82 Rating: Votes: 0)
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Review It - Bibles For The World
An international ministry, based in Colorado Springs, that provides short term missions opportunities for groups or individuals. Trips vary in length and include work teams, teaching teams and ministry teams. More information and application are available at our website. http://biblesfortheworld.org (Added: Fri Jun 13 2003 Hits: 14 Rating: Votes: 23)
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Review It - Big World Ventures
Brazil, Costa Rica, Venezuela. Great training. Ministry in streets, orphanages, slums, dumps, etc. Free time may include concerts with music artists, hiking mountain trails, shopping in the markets, and a white water rafting trip (Costa Rica only). Special speakers and Christian music artists accompany the teams. http://www.bigworld.org (Added: Thu Apr 19 2001 Hits: 64 Rating: Votes: 1)
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Review It - Big World Ventures
Great training. Ministry in streets, orphanages, slums, dumps, etc. Free time may include concerts with music artists, hiking mountain trails, shopping in the markets, and a white water rafting trip. Special speakers and Christian music artists accompany the teams. http://www.bigworld.org (Added: Fri May 04 2001 Hits: 56 Rating: Votes: 1)
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Review It - Black Forest Academy
Black Forest Academy is an International Christian school located in Kandern Germany. http://www.bfacademy.com (Added: Wed Mar 28 2001 Hits: 48 Rating: Votes: 22)
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Review It - Campus Crusade for Christ International
"These resources are available to serve you as you seek to win your world for Christ. Jesus, evangelism, Jesus Christ, Christ, Son of God, God, Christian, Christians, Christianity, religion, faith, Bible, Bible study, Bible studies, theology, salvation, spiritual, philosophy, Heaven, sermon, sermons, church, believe, belief, Hell, Satan, devil, eternal" http://www.ccci.org/ (Added: Fri Nov 05 1999 Hits: 245 Rating: Votes: 2)
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Review It - Christian missions promotion and mobilization
Resources for promoting world evangelism and mobilizing for global outreach, developed by Howard Culbertson, professor of missions at Southern Nazarene University http://home.snu.edu/~hculbert.fs (Added: Fri Jul 20 2001 Hits: 49 Rating: Votes: 0)
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Review It - Christian Witness Cards
Mark 4:14 The sower soweth the word. Our witnessing tools plant the seed of God's word and open the door of the unsaved person spiritual house. http://witnesscards.sharegodsword.com/ (Added: Fri Jun 22 2001 Hits: 74 Rating: Votes: 11)
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Review It - Crazaay4Christ Ministsries
Crazaay4Christ Ministries is an evangelism site to encourage all Christians to witness the gospel of Jesus Christ!! http://hometown.aol.com/msholy1/Crazaay4ChristMinistriesmyhomep.html (Added: Sat Dec 01 2001 Hits: 55 Rating: Votes: 1)
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Review It - Creation Science Evangelism
Creation Science Evangelism exists to strengthen the faith of believers in Christ and to seriously challenge non-believers to reconsider their beliefs. Whether you would like to see how the wonders of science undeniably support the Bible, or if you would like to know whether or not science can credibly challenge your faith in evolution, CSE has something for you. http://www.drdino.com/ (Added: Mon Jan 17 2000 Hits: 141 Rating: Votes: 1)
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Review It - CrossCampus International
We offer short-term, semester and long-term mission projects that focus on taking the gospel to the 1.2 bilion lost people of East Asia. http://www.crosscampus.net/ (Added: Mon Mar 11 2002 Hits: 13 Rating: Votes: 2)
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Review It - Crosscountry Ministries Homepage
Come join a cross carrying evangelist as he prays for the Church in America on a prayerwalk up the entire Mississippi River. You will find Bible studies, testimonies, information about cults, Islam and links to other cross carriers. http://www.crosscountry4jesus.com (Added: Wed Sep 17 2003 Hits: 4 Rating: Votes: 0)
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