Freedom CD

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?  ~ Romans 10:14

The Bible

You are about to find total FREEDOM

   If you want to know how to be totally free click on the below link and listen to the FREEDOM CD.

Right-clicFk the link and choose

“Save link as”

Track 1     download (mp3)

Track 2     download (mp3)

Track 3     download (mp3)

Track 4     download (mp3)

Track 5     download (mp3)

Track 6     download (mp3)

Track 7     download (mp3)

Track 8     download (mp3)

Track 9     download (mp3)

Track 10    download (mp3)



        Burn Your Own Freedom CD’s to give away.

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