Fish the Internet by Sharing the Gospel Online
Darkened Minds, Closed Hearts: Why False Teachers Cannot See the Truth
At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; ~ Matthew 11:25...
Are you being silenced by people telling you “Judge Not”?
Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged! What Jesus Really Meant “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; ~ Luke 6:37 ESV Isn't it...
Hells Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort
Why do 80–90% of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith? What is the biblical principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost? Why has the...
Is speaking in tongues a matter that is central to salvation or the core truths of the gospel?
Speaking in tongues is not a matter that is central to salvation or the core truths of the gospel. The gospel message centers on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and salvation...
Blinded Hearts and Rejected Light
Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” ~ John 8:58 ESV Sharing the truth of the Bible with false teachers who refuse to accept it—even when it's clearly...
“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” ~ Matthew 9:37
Online Internet Evangelism
A strategy for sharing the Gospel and meeting the spiritual needs of people in the online world is known as online evangelism, also known as internet evangelism or digital evangelism.
- How to EASILY Share the Gospel Online!
- 5 Ways to use social media to share the gospel
- Moving Evangelism Interviews
- Hear the FREEDOM CD
- Ten Reasons for Sharing the Gospel
- The Parable of the Fishless Fishermen
- Who is Jesus Christ?
- Do Gospel tracts save anyone?
- Defending Your Faith When You Don’t Have All The Answers
Online evangelism is a great way to share the Gospel and meet people’s spiritual needs. Using it, churches and individuals can reach a wider audience, have meaningful conversations, and grow spiritually. By embracing digital platforms and utilizing online evangelism initiatives, more people can come to know the saving love of Jesus Christ.
Content Evangelism is the act of spreading the Christian gospel through digital media such as video, blogs, voice, etc. Digital evangelism is centered around Content Evangelism.
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What is so offensive about getting excited about Jesus Christ?
I simply said, “It’s very easy to explain. All those other things are just an addition to your life. What is so offensive about getting excited about Jesus Christ is you’ve got to crucify your ego, recognize you’re a vile sinner, reject everything you’ve lived for, turn around and go God’s way and that’s offensive.” Got very quiet. Jesus isn’t a turn on; He’s a turn around. And aren’t you glad they turned to Him? If you want an effective personal ministry, just do two things, get involved in what God’s doing already and live to lift up Jesus Christ.
~ John MacArthur
He Shares the Gospel RIGHT When He Needed It!
Ray Comfort has a divine encounter with a humble young man who’s been falling from the faith. This conversation couldn’t have happened at a better time. Pray for Matt.
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You are about to find total FREEDOM
If you want to know how to be totally free click on the below link and listen to FREEDOM.
Burn Your Own CD’s to give away:
Freedom (70 min)
Track 1 download (mp3) | listen now
Track 2 download (mp3) | listen now
Track 3 download (mp3) | listen now
Track 4 download (mp3) | listen now
Track 5 download (mp3) | listen now
Track 6 download (mp3) | listen now
Track 7 download (mp3) | listen now
Track 8 download (mp3) | listen now
Track 9 download (mp3) | listen now
Track 10 download (mp3) | listen now
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Christian Video Tracts
Sharing the Gospel has never been easier!
Here are some online Gospel Video Tracts for you to share with others for free. Put them on your website, send them in an email. A great way to share the gospel of Jesus Christ will everyone via online videos.
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Views: 1206