Falling for the Same o’ Same o’

Falling for the Same o’ Same o’

  From the very beginning, Satan has used the same tired tactic—deception. He twists the truth, distorts God’s word, and leads people to believe they are doing the right thing when, in reality, they are walking in darkness. This is nothing new. It is the same...
What are the biblical instances where God’s mercy reached its limits?

How do you examine yourself?

Examining yourself from a biblical perspective requires self-reflection in light of God’s Word and a willingness to be convicted by the Holy Spirit. The Bible speaks clearly about truth, deception, and the condition of the human heart. Here’s how you can examine...
How Do I Know If I Am a Worker of Deceit?

How Do I Know If I Am a Worker of Deceit?

How Do I Know If I Am a Worker of Deceit?  (Biblical Perspective) The Bible warns against deceitfulness and describes the characteristics of a worker of deceit—someone who intentionally uses deception for personal gain, to manipulate others, or to oppose God’s...

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