Answers to questions you might get when witnessing about Jesus.

How do people know God exists?

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: ~...

How do I get to know Jesus?

We all have problems with the flesh from time to time. The main thing is that we repent and not live in continual sin. When we have been born-again the Holy Spirit will convict us of our sin.  We...

Reaching a Prodigal Son or Daughter

Ray Comfort    Founder & CEO, Living Waters     There are few things in life more heartbreaking than having a child who has embraced this sinful world. Part of the pain is bittersweet memories...

Charles Spurgeon on Tracts

“I well remember distributing them in a town in England where tracts had never been distributed before, and going from house to house, and telling in humble language the things of the kingdom of...

Can I Drink Alcohol?

  Can I drink? - Audio for the above video.   Proverbs 31:6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Audio for the below text:  ...

Are They Saved?

Whenever we answer a NeedHim phone call, our first “job” is to determine whether that caller is already saved.  Most of the people who call in are already saved.  They often remember a phone number...

Save Yourself Some Pain

Becoming a Christian is the most incredible event that will ever take place in your life. If you have obeyed the gospel by trusting in Jesus Christ, then you have made peace with your Creator. You...

Is Hell Really Endless?

One view of hell that seems to be making a strong resurgence today among evangelicals is Annihilationism. There are slight variations, but it essentially teaches God will eventually snuff every...

Are preachers robbing the poor?

  Abusing the Poor Widows Mite - Robbing the Poor Warning to Widows and Your Parents If you are a widow or your Mother is a widow please listen or watch this message. Most of the religious system is...

Can a Christian have a tattoo?

Tattoos that are of a Christian nature, such as a cross, a Christian slogan, or even a Bible verse? Some Christians have found that having tattoos gives them more credibility, and thereby more...

Example Chat

Sharon (05:37:10 pm) : How to you begin a relationship with god Hi, Sharon. Are you interested in discussing a personal relationship with Christ? yes Great! Please tell me what you think it takes to...

Gospel Presentation Script

They are SIN, SUBSTITUTION, and FAITH. When we talk about SIN, we’re saying there’s a barrier between you and God.  That barrier has been put there because of a natural tendency to live your life...

You say “We see” but remain in sin?

You say “We see” but remain in sin? - John 9:1-41    Those of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these things and said to Him, "We are not blind too, are we?" Jesus said to them, "If you were...

Am I imagining this?

Jan Markell talks to ministry representative Ken Mikle for the hour. What does the Bible mean when it states the last days will be “as in the days of Noah”? Is there a tipping point where God gives...

Is Hell Eternal?

Hell is seen as separation from God, where souls are fully aware and suffer eternally. In today's changing cultures, many find it hard to accept the idea of endless suffering and punishment. The...

Do you have a list of JW doctrines that don’t coincide with the Bible?

The Holy Bible warns us NUMEROUS times that no one is to change Gods words-and those who do will be taken from the book of life. ” John 1:1 K.J.V: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was...

5 Ways to use social media to share the gospel

More than 57% of the total global population is on social media. That’s a massive digital mission field with potential for Great Commission harvest! 1. Pray for the other side of the screen. The...

Who do you belong to?

New Testament: 1 Corinthians 6:1-20 Summary: Lawsuits Against Believers, Flee Sexual Immorality Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived:...

What is Online Evangelism?

Christian evangelism on the internet, also known as online evangelism or digital evangelism, refers to the strategic use of internet, mobile, and social media platforms to share the Gospel and meet...

Help With Questions You May Be Ask

It is common for people not to like to witness due to their fear that they will be asked a question about the Bible that they are unable to answer. Here are a few tips that may be helpful....

Is Jesus God?

The question of who is Jesus Christ is the most important question. The Holy Spirit has declared that He is God in John chapter 1. The early disciples declared that He is God in John chapter 1. John...

The Truth

"It is in the very order of things that so it must be. Truth could not be truth in this world if it were not a warring thing, and we should at once suspect that it were not true if error were...

Why is there so much chaos and suffering around us?

Reprobate Mind    Judgment on a Reprobate Society   This is a message that we desperately need today in our world. It is the problem with our world and we need to listen and come to grips with...

How to begin a relationship with God? – Example Chat

Rachel : Well, i was browsing through different websites, and this popped up with the statement, how to begin a relationship with God. So that's my questios: do you have any tips on how to begin a...

The Lord Told Me?

"God told me" a new revelation? “The Holy Spirit is working mightily in the church today, but not in the way most charismatics think. The Holy Spirit’s role is to empower us as we preach,...

How to easily share the Gospel online!

With millions of people stuck at home online for countless hours daily, now is perhaps the best time of our lives to use the internet to share the gospel! This short video will show you how to...

What is The Gospel Coalition – TGC?

AUDIENCE: Hello, Pastor. Pastor John, my name is Peter Montgomery. Share with us your opinion of the Gospel Coalition. And should we platform those who are in it, especially in light of scriptures...

Is Hell Eternal?

Hell is seen as separation from God, where souls are fully aware and suffer eternally. In today's changing cultures, many find it hard to accept the idea of endless suffering and punishment. The thought of eternal hell is not something most people want to consider....

Discernment of the Cults and False Teachers

Discerning cults and false teachers requires wisdom, biblical knowledge, and spiritual discernment. Here are key ways to recognize them: 1. Doctrinal Deviation from the Bible False teachers often distort Scripture, add to it, or take away from it. Some common signs...

Bible Questions & Answers
Click Here for the Link Index

Is Hell Eternal?

Is Hell Eternal?

Hell is seen as separation from God, where souls are fully aware and suffer eternally. In today's changing cultures,...

The Truth

The Truth

"It is in the very order of things that so it must be. Truth could not be truth in this world if it were not a...

The Lord Told Me?

The Lord Told Me?

"God told me" a new revelation? “The Holy Spirit is working mightily in the church today, but not in the way...

Is Jesus God?

Is Jesus God?

The question of who is Jesus Christ is the most important question. The Holy Spirit has declared that He is God in...

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